Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the moment colors got inverted

two nights ago long after midnight. was so quiet. i could hear the wind moving the trees outside gently. was drinking my tea with cinnamon and honey. my favorite music, bach was playing at a volume only i could hear. was reading something deeply philosophical, i felt content and at peace. then i realized that there was something horribly wrong with all...i needed babies screaming and pulling my ears...and that infant poop smell without being suppressed with fake canned sprays from supermarket shelves! then i realized that i have been listenin to the same boring stuff from that german guy, god knows from what century and been having that horrible tea and letting that nonsense -that was put together who knows after what frustration scribbled on a filthy paper then treated as sacret by some desperate attention seeker get to my mind and- influence my view of what was around...going to victoria with a sign hanging down my neck tomorrow! i am sure david can have the meeting without me... wonder if they at least sell alarm clocks with baby cries!

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